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Autochthonous Breed and Meat

Fresse (or Frisse or Grive)

PAT - Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs   

Fresse (or Frisse or Grive)
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Fresse to cook
Fresse (or Frisse or Grive)
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Fresse to cook
Fresse (or Frisse or Grive)
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Fresse after cooking

Fresse are pork meat-balls prepared in the butcher's shop by mincing small pieces of liver, lung, plucks, etc. that are mixed together. Meat-balls are wrapped up in the omentum, in order to keep together the various kinds of meat. Meat-balls, weighing about one hectogram, are often covered with corn flour, so that they do not stick together. Some butchers add raisins to the mixture, others sugar. Fresse are fried in oil. In the past, they were fried with lard or butter.

  • Production Area: Fresse are widespread almost everywhere in Piedmont, especially in Canavese and Langhe areas.

  • Legislative Protection: Fresse are classified among the "Traditional Agri-foodstuffs of Regione Piemonte", according to art. 8 of the Legislative Decree 30th April 1998, n. 173 and the Annex to the Decisions of the Regional Council 15th April 2002 n. 46-5823.

Logo Aree protette Po Piemontese
Aree protette Po Piemontese

Further Categories
of Products in the Park:

Preserves, Sweets, Cheese, Fruit, Liquors and Distilled beverages, Honey, Vegetables and Legumes, Bread, Fish, Autochthonous Breed and Meat, Rice Pasta and Cereals, Cold Cuts, Truffles, Wine

List of the Producers: