
Zona Speciale di Conservazione Stura di Lanzo
Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT1110014
Surface Area: 694.00 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 2009
nome fotografia1
Fossil forest (photo by RR Ponte del Diavolo)

The adjacent area of ​​the Stura di Lanzo was established on the territory of the former Safeguard Zone of the Stura di Lanzo by the regional law n. 19 of 06/29/2009 "Testo unico sulla tutela delle aree naturali e della biodiversità - Consolidated law on the protection of natural areas and biodiversity", with the aim of ensuring an adequate environmental protection on the borders of La Mandria Park. This area is also part of the European ecological network called Natura 2000 as a Site of Community Importance due to the interest of the well-preserved river environment in vegetation and wildlife, and to the presence of the geological site of the fossil forest and, specifically, to the botanical entity Carex hartmanii.

The Constitutional Court in 2014 declared the illegitimacy of the Piedmontese regional law that granted the possibility of hunting in areas adjacent to registered hunters. Therefore in the Contiguous Area, except for new legislative interventions, they will be able to hunt, as long as in compliance with the specific legislation in force, only the residents of the municipalities of the Contiguous Area itself, relative to the Area of ​​Stura di Lanzo (Lanzo Torinese, Balangero, Cafasse, Mathi, Villanova Canavese and Nole). There are also precise limitations in order to protect habitats and species that are regulated by Article 3 of the Conservation Measures for the Protection of the Natura 2000 Network of Piedmont pursuant to Article 40 of the Law. 19/2009 "Testo unico sulla tutela delle aree naturali e della biodiversità - Consolidated text on the protection of natural areas and biodiversity" and implementing Directives 92/43/CEE and 2009/147/CE of the Decree of the President of the Republic 357/1997, and the Decree of the Minister of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea of ​​17/10/2007, approved with D.G.R. n. 54-7409 of 7/4/2014 and amended with D.G.R. n. 22-368 of 09/29/2014.

With regards to the hunting activity, the prohibitions expressed by the aforementioned D.G.R are in force the prohibitions at the letters q), t), y) y bis) and yb), regarding:
q) faunal repopulation for hunting purposes with the exception of those with subjects belonging only to species and native populations coming from national farms, from areas of repopulation and capture or from public and private centers of reproduction of wildlife in their natural state;
t) in hunting, to practice the bar and to hunt with a number of dogs greater than 4;
y) access the areas of particular conservation interest, duly indicated by the authority;
y bis) use of lead shot ammunition in wetlands such as running waters, lakes, ponds, marshes, swamps, peat bogs,and flood plains, as well as within 150 meters of their outer shores, until 31 July 2015 ";
yb) use of lead ammunition starting from 1 August 2015.

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Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT1110014
Surface Area: 694.00 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 2009
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