Lagoon is one of the most extensive and characterizing natural areas of our region and takes therefore part in the protected area regional system. It has been entitled as the Site of the Natura 2000 Network, that is the Network of areas of the European Union important for their naturalistic value and for their biodiversity protection. Under the Habitat Directive 92/43/CEE, it is a Special Conservation Area (ZSC - IT3320037) for the protection of significant animal and plant habitats and species at European level, as well as, following the Birds Directive 2009/147/CE, it is a Special Protection Area (ZPS - IT3320037) for the protection of wild bird species and their habitats. It also includes two regional nature reserves, established under regional law no. 42/96: Valle Canal Novo (121 hectares) and Foci dello Stella (1,377 hectares).