
Area Naturale Protetta del Monteferrato

Legno ed Artigianato al Mulinaccio

The brochure collects the documentation of the historical survey regarding the restoration of the big wooden main door of Villa del Mulinaccio. In this case, knowledge and memory are deeply linked to quality craftsmanship and to the fascinating world of restoration works.
  • Author/s: Bartolozzi C., Marasco F.
  • Publisher: Area Protetta del Monteferrato e Comune di Vaiano
  • Pages: 39
  • Size: 15x21cm
  • Year: 2006
  • Price: 5.00 €  

Notes: for sale at Schignano Visitor Center - Vaiano and at the Historical Ethnographic Documentation Center – Vaiano

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© 2024 - Comuni di Montemurlo, Prato e Vaiano, Provincia di Prato, Comunità Montana