Georef. | | | Itinerary | Travelling method | | Interest |
| | | | | | |
| | | "Grand tour" of the valleys By bike or by boat in the EDEN Departure: Soave (PR Mincio) | | Boat | |
| | | 12 - From Mortara to Garlasco Departure: Mortara, stazione ferroviaria 12 Lap: Via Francigena (PR Ticino lombardo) | | On foot Easy | |
| | | 13 - From Garlasco to Pavia Departure: Garlasco, Chiesa S. Maria Assunta 13 Lap: Via Francigena (PR Ticino lombardo) | | On foot Easy | |
| | | 14 - From Pavia to Santa Cristina Departure: Pavia, centro storico 14 Lap: Via Francigena (PR Ticino lombardo) | | On foot Easy | |
| | | 8 Cascine Ring-Route (V05) Departure: Vigevano, presso il centro commerciale Il Ducale (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Abbey Ring-Route (V11) Departure: Morimondo, presso cascina Lasso (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Along the river Po from Vallere to Millefonti Hiking, walking and cycling itinerary Departure: Cascina Le Vallere, corso Trieste 98, Moncalieri (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | On foot flat itinerary half on asphalt and half on a dirt ... 1 h | |
| | | Alzaia Abbiategrasso - Bereguardo (AB) Departure: Castelletto di Abbiategrasso (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Art park Outdoor installations between nature and contemporary art (PR Mincio) | | On foot | |
| | | Bereguardo Ring-Route (P09) Departure: Bereguardo, presso il parcheggio del cimitero (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Bike trail along Canale Virgilio towpath A trail at the foot of the hills (PR Mincio) | | By bike | |
| | | Borgo Ticino Ring-Route (P06) Departure: Pavia, presso il Ponte Coperto (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Bucolic Mincio: the upper plain of Via Postumia, Goths and Langobards Archeomincio - Itinerary n. 2 Departure: Pozzolo (PR Mincio) | | By bike | |
| | | Campo Route (SC) Departure: Cardano al Campo, presso il campo sportivo (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Canoeing from Goito to Rivalta From the natural river to Valli del Mincio wetland, among groves of reeds, herons and lotus flowers Departure: Goito (PR Mincio) | | Canoe | |
| | | Canoeing from Pozzolo to Goito Gliding on the water from the mills’ village to the Bersaglieri’s town Departure: Pozzolo (PR Mincio) | | Canoe | |
| | | Canoeing from Rivalta to Mantua From the idyllic Valli del Mincio Reserve to the Gonzaga city, UNESCO heritage site Departure: Rivalta (PR Mincio) | | Canoe | |
| | | Cardano Ring-Route (CT) Departure: Cardano al Campo, presso il campo sportivo (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Cascine di Carbonara Ring-Route (P03) Departure: Carbonara al Ticino, presso il parcheggio del cimitero (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Casorate ERSAF (CA) Departure: Casorate Sempione, via Isonzo (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |