Georef. | | | Itinerary | Travelling method | | Interest |
| | | | | | |
| | | Castelnovate Bay (AC) Departure: Vizzola Ticino, presso la centrale idroelettrica (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | Ciclovie dei Parchi - The Gessi di Gaibola Cycling Route Departure: Stazione di San Lazzaro di Savena (PR Gessi Bolognesi) | | By bike E - Hiking (level) half day | |
| | | Circuit of 2 km in Vallere Park Hiking and walking itinerary Departure: Cascina Le Vallere, corso Trieste 98, Moncalieri (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | On foot flat circuit almost nearly on dirt track 20 minutes | |
| | | Confluence with the Po: Pietole, Bagnolo San Vito, Governolo Archeomincio - Itinerary n. 4 Departure: Formigosa (PR Mincio) | | By bike | |
| | | Cycle lane along the Virgilio Canal Departure: Volta Mantovana (PR Mincio) | | By bike | |
| | | Cycling tour of the Counts D’Arco Departure: Palazzo D'Arco, Mantova (PR Mincio) | | By bike | |
| | | E1 European Trail (PR Ticino lombardo) | | On foot | |
| | | Ex Vita Mayer (VM) Departure: Parcheggio ex Vita Mayer, presso il ponte di ferro di Turbigo (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Faggiole Wood (BF) Departure: Turbigo, presso l'area ex Vita Mayer (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Fagiana Ring-Routes (AF) Departure: Pontevecchio di Magenta, presso il Centro Parco La Fagiana (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Fortress Mantua: an itinerary between art and war Mincio and war - Itinerary n. 3 Departure: Piazza Porta Giulia, Mantova (PR Mincio) | | By bike | |
| | | Fountains (FO) Departure: Besnate, presso la rotatoria lungo SP 26 (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | From Fontana wood to Mantua’s lakes - A green corridor for biodiversity Along the Diversivo from Mantua to Soave (PR Mincio) | | On foot | |
| | | From Mantua to the Po through the "water lift" Motor vessel navigation from Mantua to the lower Mincio River and towards the Po River Departure: Mantova (pontile B di Viale Mincio/pontile A di Via Lungolago Gonzaga), Governolo e Sacchetta (PR Mincio) | | Boat 1 to 2.5 hours | |
| | | From the heart of the Mincio valleys following the routes of the ancient professions Naviganting the Mincio Valleys and upper lake Departure: Rivalta sul Mincio, Grazie di Curtatone, Mantova Ponte dei Mulini (PR Mincio) | | Boat 2 to 3 hours | |
| | | From the Renaissance skyline to Virgil's Mincio by motor vessel Motor vessel navigation from Mantua to the lower Mincio and towards the Po River Departure: Mantova - Lago di Mezzo (PR Mincio) | | Boat 1 hour/1.5 hours | |
| | | From Vallere to Valentino Hiking, walking and cycling itinerary Departure: Cascina Le Vallere, corso Trieste 98, Moncalieri (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | On foot flat circuit mostly on asphalt 2 h | |
| | | Gaggio Route (VG) Departure: Lonate Pozzolo (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Grand tour of 4 municipalities (V12) Departure: Abbazia di Morimondo (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |
| | | Hanging Bridge (PT) Departure: Parcheggio ex Vita Mayer, presso il ponte di ferro di Turbigo (PR Ticino lombardo) | | By bike | |