Corso Alfieri, 2 - 14100 Asti - Tel. 0141/353072
Possibility of guided visits on Tuesday and Thursday, by previous booking at Astigiani Park Authority - Tel. 0414/592091.
Open until 31/5/98 in the former school "Rodari", Via Croce Verde, 6 - 14100 Asti.
panels dealing with fossils, explaining what they are, how they form,
and the reason why they have been found in the territory of Asti.
Particular attention is paid to a few samples of terrestrial and
maritime animals which inhabited this area in the prehistoric period: a
mastodon, a rhino, a big wild ox, a dolphin. There is also a detailed
documentation about a rorqual whale whose skeleton was found in 1993 in
San Marzanotto.
From September the exhibition will be permanent in the seat of Riserva di Valleandona Valle Botto.
In Asti is possible to visit important monuments which bear witness of its great past: the Cathedral, the Collegiata di S. Secondo, the Baptistery and the Church of San Pietro in Consavia, Vittorio Alfieri's house, the Sant'Anastasio crypt and the Lapidario museum...