
Protected Area

Identity Card

  • Adda Sud Regional Park:
    • Land Surface Area: 24'260.00 ha
    • Regions: Lombardia
    • Provinces: Cremona, Lodi
    • Municipalities: Abbadia Cerreto, Bertonico, Boffalora d'Adda, Camairago, Casaletto Ceredano, Castelnuovo Bocca d'Adda, Castiglione d'Adda, Cavacurta, Cavenago d'Adda, Cervignano d'Adda, Comazzo, Cornovecchio, Corte Palasio, Credera Rubbiano, Crotta d'Adda, Formigara, Galgagnano, Gombito, Lodi, Maccastorna, Mairago, Maleo, Meleti, Merlino, Montanaso Lombardo, Montodine, Moscazzano, Pizzighettone, Ripalta Arpina, Rivolta d'Adda, San Martino in Strada, Spino d'Adda, Terranova dei Passerini, Turano Lodigiano, Zelo Buon Persico
    • Establishment Measures: LR 81 16/09/1983
  • Further managed Protected Areas:
    • Riserva Regionale Adda Morta
    • ZPS Garzaie del Parco Adda Sud
    • ZSC Adda Morta
    • ZSC Boschi e Lanca di Comazzo
    • ZSC Bosco del Mortone
    • ZSC Bosco Valentino
    • ZSC Garzaia del Mortone
    • ZSC Garzaia della Cascina del Pioppo
    • ZSC La Zerbaglia
    • ZSC Lanca di Soltarico
    • ZSC Morta di Bertonico
    • ZSC Morta di Pizzighettone
    • ZSC Spiagge fluviali di Boffalora

Altimetry: h min 36m asl h max 110m asl



Origins and Reasons of Establishment

Origins: L.R. (regional law) 30.11.1983, no. 86
Establishment measure: L.R. 16.9.83, no. 81


  1. administrating the Nature Park in a unitary manner, paying particular attention to the needs of nature and environment protection, of cultural and recreational use, development of agricultural, zootechnical, and silvicultural activities and of other traditional activities aimed at favoring the economic, social, and cultural growth
  2. promoting the preservation and the correct role of the fluvial ecosystem
  3. promoting the safeguard of works of particular cultural interest both for the Park and for the population through adequate measures
  4. promoting environmental education
  5. promoting recreational activities in some adequate areas for the Park
  6. promoting its social function.

Natural Environment

The southern course of the river Adda develops among alluvial deposits. The most ancient terraces, dating back to the Holocene period, are the farthest ones from the riverbed, while the most recent ones slowly degrade towards the river course. The protected territory includes, besides the coastal territory, also marshlands consisting of "oxbows" and "dead branches" which the river formed in time while changing its course; some very interesting examples for their geomorphological, botanical, and zoological meaning, are Adda Morta, (an old branch of the river, in the Municipalities of Castiglione d'Adda and Formigara), Zerbaglia (wetland of national interest in the Municipalities of Turano, Cavenago d'Adda and Credera Rubbiano) and Morta di Soltarico (forming after the 1976 flood).

Photo by Natural Environment

Geology and Geomorphology

The Park territory consists of a first stretch of about 5,000 hectares including the agricultural-forest flood plains, in particular those lands situated at the lower inner areas of the river which can be subject to floods, both with overflow waters and with resurgence.
The Park is focusing its efforts for a recovery of the hydrogeological consolidation and a quantitative and qualitative reconstruction of natural environment and landscape.
The second and the third stretches include a large Park area covering about 18,000 hectares of fertile countryside both on the shores of Lodi and Crema - Cremona.


Vegetable Landscape

It is characterized by woodlands, wetlands, and river beaches. "Woodlands along the rivers are usually ecosystems which have been subject to a few changes, and therefore represent an ideal biotope for many vegetable species" (D.Yon 1982).
The natural features of lentic wetlands have been well preserved, and among them also the minor watercourses of naturalistic interest have been classified.
The cultivated landscape represents another important aspect of the Park, even if these lands have suffered from a progressive deterioration deriving from wrong management methods. Along canals and routes there are tree rows and shrub edges formed by Populus x Euroamericana (Euroamerican Poplars), Robinia pseudocacia (Black Locust tree), Morus alba (White Mulberry), residual of the 19th century sericulture, Platanus hybrida (Plane tree), Allanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven), together with autochthonous species like Alnus glutinosa (Black Alder), Quercus robur (English Oak), Salix alba (Common Willow), Ulmus minor (English Elm), Acer campestre (Field Maple).

Photo by Vegetable Landscape


The following formations have been described:

  • shrub willow grove with Salix eleagnos (Rosemary Willow) and Salix purpurea (Purple Willow);
  • arboreal willow grove dominated by Salix alba, where you can also find Populus nigra (Black Poplar), Alnus glutinosa (Black Alder) and some specimens of Populus alba (White Poplar);
  • mixed wood dominated by Quercus robur (English Oak) and Ulmus minor (Smooth-leaved Elm) together with Populus nigra, Acer campestre (Field Maple) and rare specimens of Willows and Black Alders;
  • Alnus glutinosa formations, generally within populations dominated by Poplars, on mainly marshy soils;
  • poplar woods dominated by Populus alba (White Poplar) and those with Populus nigra, typical of areas interested only by major overflowings, but with superficial layer; finally, the artificial poplar woods dominated by the Euroamerican Poplar, which are not cultivated for a number of years, enough to enable the introduction of rich shrub populations and of arboreal specimens typical of the natural woods;
  • artificial populations of Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust Tree).


We just quote some herbaceous species present in the woods of Adda: Orchis militaris (Military Orchid), rare, Leucojum aestivum (Summer Snowflakes), rare almost anywhere, Scilla bifolia (Squill), rare in the Po Plain, Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone), Vinca minor (Dwarf Perwinkle), Primula vulgaris (Primerose), Ophris fuciflora (Late Spider Orchid), very rare in the Po Plain, Helleborus niger (Christmas Rose), very rare in plains.



The most interesting faunistic aspects concern above all the avifauna with the presence of three "garzaie" (places where herons nest) and of some couples of Marsh Harriers which frequently nest in the Park. Many other interesting species often come to our area during migrations or in winter, sometimes in very large groups.
As far as mammals are concerned, the presence of the Polecat in the best-preserved wetlands and of the Dormouse in the largest woods is very interesting.
Particular attention is paid to a small population of Fallow Deer living in the northern woods of the Park.
As far as fish are concerned, we must quote the River Lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis).

Black stork
Black stork

Historical and Architectural Treasures

In the Park there are some monasteries which in the Middle Ages worked as nuclei of monks life and as a support for the neighboring populations; in addition, there are many farmsteads typical of Lodi - Crema - Cremona areas.
These very articulated agricultural structures were often provided with oratories, that is small buildings dedicated to prayer; many of these are still present in pretty good conditions.
Moreover, medieval documents, by talking about still existing town centers, quote the Castles which can still be seen in the Park Municipalities.


Organization and Planning

Kind of plan:

  • Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento (PTC, Territorial Coordination Plan)
  • Management Plan

Approved by L.R. 20.08.1994, N. 22 (B.U. 23.08.94 N. 34 I suppl. ord.)


  • The main goal is to combine the presence of man and the complex of his activities, looking not only for the preservation of the natural environments and the cultural and landscape resources that are still present, but also for the gradual reconstruction of the endangered and degraded environments.
  • The environmental recovery of the fluvial stretch represents another main goal in order to recreate continuity in the natural environment along the whole river course.
  • Gradual return to the natural environment of marginal areas and of areas which are limited in size but particularly important for their collocation at the edges of the river course.

Zonation: the Park territory is divided into territorial Strips and Zones.

Photo by Organization and Planning
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