
Parco regionale dei Campi Flegrei


Protected Area

Identity Card

  • Land Surface Area: 7'350.00 ha
  • Regions: Campania
  • Provinces: Napoli
  • Municipalities: Bacoli, Monte di Procida, Napoli, Pozzuoli
  • Establishment Measures: L.R. n.33 01/01/1993
  • PA Official List: EUAP0958

The Park Statute (PDF - 203Kb)



Campi Flegrei

The territory of Campi Flegrei (also known as Phlegrean Fields) represents one of the most important areas in the region for its environmental and historical-archaeological value.
The area interested by the so-called "Progetto Integrato" is a deeply integrated landscape-cultural-environmental territorial system.
The most ancient town of Magna Graecia, Cumae (7th-8th century BC) was founded in Campi Flegrei. Subsequently, this town gave birth to Naples.
In the Roman imperial age, Campi Flegrei represented the second territorial urban system of the world.
Such system included the port and trading town of Puteoli, the military harbors of Lucrino and Miseno, the system of imperial villas and spa resorts of Baia-Bauli, and the "Greek" town of Cuma.

The territory is characterized by only one volcanic system called "archiflegreo", continuously evolving (last eruption Montenuovo 1538; last bradyseism crisis 1983). The volcanic features of the places led to the formation of important values: the particular landscape and natural beauty, the presence of high-quality thermal waters, the presence of protected inlets forming real natural ports, the abundance of extraordinary building materials like tufa and pozzolana, a sea rich in fish, a fertile countryside whose most precious production is represented by the heritage of original vines which - unique in the world - have not suffered the grafting on an American basis. The area is interested by Campi Flegrei Regional Park.

Capo Miseno Sunset
Capo Miseno Sunset
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