
Parco Naturale delle Capanne di Marcarolo



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Sweet and bitter almonds (in the past, the seeds contained in the stones of peaches and apricots were used), white of fresh egg, sugar and honey are the main ingredients of the recipe developed by a court pastry chef, Francesco Moriondo. In Voltaggio...
Category: Sweets
Baci di dama, widespread all over Piedmont but in particular in the south of the region, are couples of hemispheric cookies made with almonds, sugar, flour, sometimes eggs, united by a chocolate layer.
Category: Sweets
Canestrelli are made with sweet and bitter almonds, and sometimes still with kernels: they are traditional cookies made in Liguria with egg yolks, butter, and sugar.
Category: Sweets
Formaggette delle Capanne
Fresh milk obtained from the most recent milking is heated at a temperature between 34 and 35°C. After adding the rennet, the product stands for about one hour, and then the curd is broken. After separating the curd from the mixture, the latter is...
Category: Cheese
Quarantina White Potato is a semi-precocious variety characterized by a short cycle; it has an irregular shape, rounded or oval-rounded; it has a light and yellow peel, slightly wrinkled, with shallow and pink eyes; white and thin flesh, not mealy....
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Dolcetto di Ovada is one of the seven names given to the red vine Dolcetto: it demonstrates that this vine is very widespread and adaptable. After years of oblivion, Ovada variety has been relaunched for the particular organoleptic qualities that Dolcetto...
Category: Wine
The Park area is only marginally interested by wine production: usually the hills are too high to allow an extensive wine production. However, some areas are situated in the territory of two important denominations: Gavi and Dolcetto di Ovada. The...
Category: Wine
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