
Parco Naturale delle Capanne di Marcarolo


Points of Interest

Discovering the Park...

Not far from loc. Capanne di Marcarolo there are horses available for trips and, during the summer, it is also possible to rent bikes.

Federazione Italiana Escursionisti suggests a series of itineraries developing in the Park.

Discovering the Park...
Discovering the Park...

Lavezzara Ridge

It crosses one of the characteristic forest areas of the Park, the woodlands consisting of Black pines, Scotch pines, and broadleaf trees characteristic of the submountain plain.
By following an old path along the banks of Rio Gorzente you reach the clearing of "Pian di Remo", near a fresh spring sheltering a very rare fern species, the Osmunda Regalis.


Towards the Colma

Near the watershed between the Gorzente basin and the Stura Valley you can reach the regional boundary: a very pleasant area with a splendid view over the Alps, from the sea to Mount Adamello. The altitude ranges from 700 - 900m and the path passes over towards the Stura Valley offering an unexpected view over the Ligurian Sea. Towards North-West, there is the mountain group of the Colma, dominating the Ovadese.

Cerastium utriense
Cerastium utriense

Rio Badana

A wonderful walk in the natural botanic gardens developing along Rio Radana in the middle of rare essences like Lilium Croceum, Daphne Cneorum, Armeria Plantaginea, Astrantia Maior, and Gladiolus Palustris.


Along the Veglia

An itinerary developing into the thick woods made of firs and other trees like Ash trees, Chestnut trees, Oaks, Sorbs, Silver firs, Sycomore maples, and rare birches.

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