

Surveillance and Wildlife Service

The Surveillance and Wildlife Service is made of Guards working in the territory within the Park perimeter. The service consists of no. 2 Park Keepers and about no. 20 Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie (GEV). The Park Keepers mainly deal with the enforcement of rules and measures issued by the public administration to protect the environment, including hunting and fishing, as public officers and judicial policemen, according to what established by art. 57 of c.p.p. Moreover, they are also in charge of other activities, like fire prevention, wildlife management, monitoring activities, development and coordination of environmental education projects, management of the Visitor Center Maresana Cà della Matta and of the Ornithological Station, collaborating also with the offices dealing with the planning and coordinating the activity of Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie.

For information: Surveillance and Wildlife Service - Via Valmarina, 25 - 24123 Bergamo - E-mail: - Tel. +39 035 4530421

Surveillance and Wildlife Service

G.E.V. Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie

Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie deal with environmental surveillance, as established by the Decree by Giunta Regionale, after attending a course and getting through a qualification test. To obtain the authorization, they must be considered fit by the competent Prefect and be appointed "Guardia Particolare Giurata".

G.E.V. Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie
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