
Parco delle Colline Metallifere


Porte del Parco

The project called "Porte del Parco" (meaning "Parks' Doors") provides the opening of one or two entrances to the museum or cultural facilities in every Park's municipality. Such entrance places are called "Porte del Parco". Each door aims to promote the knowing of the mining world, the historical landscapes, the history, the mining activity and the identity and actions of the Colline Metallifere Grossetane.
There are several types of activity (information centers, documentation centers, Libraries, Museums, Parks) and services: information about the sites of the National Park and services offering museum trails, didactic activities, organizing exhibitions and events, selling information and didactic materials.
The Park's doors are directly managed by the municipalities, also because the museum and cultural facilities are owned by the municipalities themselves. The project provides a "Porta-Coordinatore" (coordinating door) whose role is to equalize and support all the other doors in their activities.
Moreover, the project establishes a plan of annual openings and a calendar of the activities to be carried out, and it allocates the management subsidy supplied as matching funds together with the National Park.
At present, the Park defrays 70% of the management expanses, and it makes a shared management of the cultural structures connected with the National Park possible.
The "Porte del Parco" have been officially opened in spring 2005. 

Further information

Entrance 1, Ribolla - Municipality of Roccastrada
Entrance 1, Ribolla - Municipality of Roccastrada
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