
Alviano Nature Sanctuary

In 1963, after the barring of the Tiber by ENEL for the production of electric energy, Alviano Lake gradually took shape. In a few years, thanks to the deposits gradually transported by the river, this stretch of water changed to the extent that large and significant marshy areas formed. The water is rich in mollusks, phytoplankton, aquatic insects, and several fish species that find here the ideal habitat to lay eggs. This is an ideal area for the passage and nesting of a varied avifauna. There are over 160 species of birds, partly resident, partly migratory.
The Nature Sanctuary is managed by WWF Italia: - Tel. +39 0744 903715 - +39 333 7576283.

Province: Terni Region: Umbria
(3344)Alviano Nature Sanctuary
Alviano Nature Sanctuary
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