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Over 1 million euros from the Region to the intervention projects on the forest heritage of Emilia Centrale Parks
(08 August 2019) The total amount of the funding approved by the Regional Council for the 9 projects presented by the Emilia Centrale Parks Authority on the Rural Development Programme (RDP) of Emilia-Romagna, in the context of interventions for the enhancement of...
The 2019 Blueberry Harvest opens in the Frignano Park
(08 August 2019) From Thursday 1st August, the 2019 blueberry harvest season is open in the Frignano Park, on the upper Modena Apennines.The harvest is allowed every day from 6 am to 8 pm and it is forbidden in the Park areas with integral...
The enlargement of the UNESCO MaB Reserve of the Apennines continues with the Modena mountain municipalities
(15 July 2019) In Lama Mocogno has been presented the Dossier for the extension of the Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO MaB) of the Tosco Emiliano Apennines to the Modena mountain municipalities.Read more (Italian text)
ECST - The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas
(11 April 2019) Increasing sustainable development and the management of tourism in protected areas, in order to consider the needs of environment, residents, local businesses and visitors.This is the main purpose of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism...
Environmental Quality Label for Emilia Centrale Parks: concession applications for companies are open
(20 September 2018) The new Environmental Quality Label for Emilia Centrale Parks has been created and now applications for concession are open, for its use by agricultural, tourist and production companies that are located in the Municipalities of the Park and in the...
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