

Nature Tour Guides

Frignano Park covers a surface area of about 15,000 ha, involving a large stretch of the Tosco-Emiliano ridge from which Mt. Cimone, the highest summit of the Northern Apennines, stands out. An ideal environment to carry out tours at various difficulty levels, from easy tours on foot to climbing, as well as to practice several sports activities on foot, on horseback, and by bike. Visitors can enjoy a well-developed hiking network including CAI trails (with white and red trail markers), Park thematic trails (circles of various colors according to the theme), and MTB trails. Moreover, tourists will have the opportunity to discover the Park through the initiatives suggested by the Park Authority: "VivilParco" during the summer and "l'Inverno nel Parco" during the winter. Or just contact the Nature Tour Guides usually operating in the territory of the protected area.

Experiencing the Park... by Mountain Bike...

The mountains of Modena are a real paradise for people who love cycling in the mountains. Cross country, free ride, and downhill trails, most of which mapped on Gps: they develop across the Apennines connecting the territories of Cimone, Frignano, Val Dragone, and Comunità Montana Modena Est. Services and structures have been especially studied for bikers, with hotel, residence, campsites, mechanics, travel agencies, and sport associations putting at their guests' disposal bike deposits, maps, and free information material, as well as applying special prices for cycling tourists. Centro Nazionale Cimone Mtb, in Frignano Park, organizes courses dedicated to adults and children, as well as trips by bike and hourly lessons. The Gps equipment, with the tracks of the itineraries, can be rented from the local tourist operators or you can directly download the routes from the Internet.

  • From Pievepelago to La Fiancata: 27 km
    A characteristic itinerary in the Apennines, developing in a charming natural environment characterized by beautiful panoramas over the valleys and Mt. Cimone, across untouched woodlands and mountain villages.

Info and maps: Bikers sull'Appennino modenese

Experiencing the Park... by Mountain Bike...

Experiencing the Park... on Horseback...

Riding a horse across woodlands and trails is a pleasant and relaxing experience. Frignano Park offers several numbered and well-marked trails. The itineraries develop along roads, mule tracks, and carriage roads, woodlands, lakes, springs, and enchanting villages. The mountain of Modena is crossed by the long Ippovia Appennino Emilia-Romagna, a horse-riding circuit developing for over one thousand kilometers across all the provinces of Emilia-Romagna.

  • Emilia - Romagna Great Horse-Riding Trail
    Grande Ippovia is the most important itinerary of the region Emilia-Romagna: from Piacenza, a trail network develops across the Apennines, along the hilly strip and the plains to get to the Adriatic coastline. The Regional Horse-Riding Trail crosses for 55 km the woodlands and grasslands of Frignano protected area and gives the opportunity to horse-riding lovers to go along roads and ancient trails, humpback bridges, to discover the chestnut dry houses, the votive aediculae, the oratories, the churches, and the characteristic stone-built houses of the villages, as well as the naturalistic beauties enriching the protected area.


Orienteering reached Frignano Park in 1996, when the first topographical maps of the protected area were printed. It is also called the "sport of the woodlands" and has found its ideal habitat in the Apennines of Modena. Discipline and fun consist of covering an unknown trail as soon as possible, using only legs, compass, and topographical map.


If you want to enjoy the beauty of the landscape and rediscover the harmony with nature, there is nothing better than a tour along the several Park trails, among the high summits of the Apennines. If you love trekking, Frignano Park gives you the opportunity to pick and choose: itineraries of various difficulty, divided into 18 thematic routes - from "Ricerca del Lupo" to "La vita in montagna nel secolo scorso", passing through "Le capanne e la via Vandelli" - across the whole area, and are mapped with Gps, so that you will not run the risk to get lost.


Adventure Parks

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