Going along SP 54 from Petralia Sottana in the direction of Piano Battaglia, you reach Pomieri from where, in a short time on foot, it is possible to reach Case Lapazza, a shepherds' settlement which is still nowadays active and which offers tourists the possibility to taste the local products deriving from sheep breeding activity (ricotta, tuma, caciocavallo cheese, etc.). If you go ahead surrounded by the charming setting of Pizo Canna and of crags on the homonymous stream where the Golden Eagle and several rare birds nest, you reach Vallone Sambuchi and find another shepherds' settlement. Afterwards, go ahead under the slopes of Monte Ferro up to the homonymous plateau, where you will find a nice water point. Uphill, on the left, after about 500m you will reach the clearing of Piano Pomo, the Huge Hollies station. After reaching one of the most panoramic and charming points of the Park, go downhill until Piano Sempria, and find along the route monumental oaks.