
Parco Naturale Regionale Molentargius - Saline



Park Bus Route

Currently guided visits are exclusively held by previous booking in collaboration with Associazione per il Parco Molentargius-Saline-Poetto (Tel. 070671003-070659740).

The itinerary leaves near the Building Sali Scelti and continues by coach along Perda Bianca at first, and then along the salt pans of Cagliari.
At Rollone dewatering pump, it turns to the sand quarries of Is Arenas and reaches then Bellarosa Maggiore pond, the filter ecosystem, and immediately after, Bellarosa Minore.
The visit includes stops to observe the flora and fauna in the Park green areas situated at the entrance gates of Cagliari and Quartu.

  • Building Sali Scelti
    It belongs to the group of buildings of the Liberty-style Salt City rising in the 30s. It consisted of industrial premises, public buildings, and workers' houses. The building "Sali Scelti" was used for the table salt purification process and today, thanks to the renovation works finished in 2004, it houses the Park headquarters, including technical and administrative offices.
    For information and bookings, please call the number 070671003-070659740.

  • Green Areas
    They are both on the side of Cagliari and Quartu and represent the border between the urban area and the areas of great environmental value. Here it is possible to observe endangered species inserted in the "Red List", like Cynomorium coccineum and, among the aquatic birds, the Flamingo, the Little Egret, the Marsh Harrier, the Black-winged Stilt, the Little Tern, the Kingfisher, the Pochard, the Little Grebe, and many others.

  • The Salt Pans and Rollone Dewatering Pump
    The salt production has been abandoned by now, but the water circulation in the evaporation and salt pans has been maintained in order to safeguard the delicate habitats for flora and fauna. The water is taken from the sea and, through a canal, is led to the different pans. Rollone dewatering pump was built with the aim to alternately and continuously move the waters. It was named after the steam dewatering pumps used in 1910, which looked like big wheels.

  • Is Arenas and the Sand Quarries
    Geologically speaking, Is Arenas is a fossil beach where it is still possible to observe shells deposits and fossil remains. In it there are the sand quarries, today abandoned, whose walls give the opportunity to go back to dozens of thousands of years ago thanks to the succession of the sand strata witnessing the formation of Is Arenas dune cord.

  • The Filter Ecosystem
    The filter ecosystem is a work aiming at guaranteeing a water supply which had to be, both from a quality and quantity point of view, suitable to freshwater ponds. The facilities give the opportunity to further clean the waters coming from Is Arenas water depuration system. It separates Bellarosa Minore from Bellarosa Maggiore and forms with them one of the most delicate areas, since it represents the habitat of several species of protected aquatic birds.

Park Bus RoutePark Bus Route

The Itineraries

The trail network is divided into free itineraries for everyone, guided naturalistic itineraries, and sports itineraries developing within a territory of great naturalistic interest. The itineraries have been organized in order to give the opportunity to discover the environment and its features without damaging the flora, fauna, and environment in its different components, like water and land.

(the following links lead to Italian texts)

Further information


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