

The Park and the Schools

The whole area is characterized by extremely charming landscape features and environments shaped just in part by human activities; as a matter of fact, the rough orography has always limited the traditional agricultural and breeding activities and, more recently, has stopped the development of mass tourism, both in summer and in winter.
For this reason, the Park is demonstrating to be an extraordinary study and research lab at any level. Committed for over 10 years to the safeguard and enhancement of its own territory, to the research and study of the natural features of Chalamy valley and the nearby Dondena basin, Mont Avic Park would like to promote environmental education activities aiming at the knowledge of its resources, representing an extraordinary outdoor lab, irreplaceable instrument for the knowledge and understanding of natural phenomena.

A visit to the Park and its structures offers great knowledge opportunities in the fields of botany, geology, zoology. It provides pupils occasions

  • to thoroughly study theoretical notions acquired at school
  • to experiment and test in the field and in the lab what they have learnt
  • to acquire the competence provided only by practice in the field.

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Italian agile frog at Lac de Leser
Italian agile frog at Lac de Leser
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