
Parco Naturale del Monte San Bartolo


Trail no. 5: The Trail of the Churches

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Religion, Hystory
  • Duration: 1 hour/s 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: easy
  • Difference in height: 90m

It is a short and easy trail, almost entirely developing at the shadow of vegetation. The departure point is S. Ermete Church in Gabicce Monte, where you will find a car park on payment. The first stretch of the trail is characterized by wooden and dirt road flights of steps, going down and departing from the town.
The old oaks which, together with elms, characterized and delimited the borders of the estates on the side of the road, stand out in the luxuriant vegetation, rich in spontaneous and not spontaneous species. The presence of water and a soil rich in nitrogenous substances favor the presence of elders, thick canebrakes, and black locust trees dominated by the foliage of the oaks. The ditch is crossed several times by wooden footbridges, and you will find yourself surrounded by peacefulness and silence, in a charming and relaxing atmosphere.
You will finally reach the old road, still carriage road, characterized by rural settlements. The itinerary ends at the old SS. Trinità or del Palazzo Church, dating back between the 17th and 18th century, situated near Strada del Pozzo, at about 200 meters from Statale Adriatica, near the junction leading to Gabicce Monte.

Further information
Rural panorama
Rural panorama
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