
Parco Naturale del Monte San Bartolo



Everyone knows the beauty of San Bartolo, but only a few know about the trails that give the opportunity to reach wonderful places or uncontaminated patches surrounded by the deep blue of the sea and the scented brooms in bloom. The choice to open itineraries has not been easy. The Park has the need to safeguard fragile territories and to work, in collaboration with the residents, to discover and make accessible the thick network of historical trails, the local roads, the roads crossing various estates, or the municipal roads crossing the territory, but it is not always easy to recover from the cartography what has been lost or taken for inappropriate uses.
The existing itineraries are many, but the Park Authority has been working to prepare other itineraries.
Here you will find the historical ones.

Trail no. 1: Bocca del lupo
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: easy
Duration: 3 h
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, History
Trail no. 2: The Road of the Marina
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: easy
Duration: 2 h
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Geology, Panorama
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: intermediate
Duration: 2 h
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Panorama, Archeology, History
Trail no. 4: Vallugola Trail
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: intermediate
Duration: 2 h
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Panorama
Trail no. 5: The Trail of the Churches
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: easy
Duration: 1 h 30 m
Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Religion, History
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