
Parco Naturale Regionale dei Monti Lucretili


Environmental Education Service 2022/2023

The Environmental Education Service (SEA) was created in 2001 - albeit with a different name - when the then director of Park Authority Giuseppe Valeriani decided to take part in GENS (currently GENS 2.0), the educational programme of Region Latium's agency of protected areas.

Since 2001 the Park Authority has been employing its technical staff, workers and Park guards in environmental education activities with all the schools within the protected area. Upon request, activities can be extended to other schools in Rome and Latium. They take place within the Park, with workshops, guided visits and hikes that aim at providing knowledge and a deeper contact with the local environment, nature, history and culture.
The SEA is currently housed at the Giardino dei Cinque Sensi Visitor Centre in Licenza, a place where everyone can take part in learning and eco-tourism activities thanks to its great beauty and peculiarities.

SEA has its own staff, but is also helped by other Park operators, adequately trained and engaged in educational activities.

Through the years, further activities were added beside our work with the schools, in the fi in collaboration with elds of both education and promotion: workshops in the framework of festivals, hikes, guided visits, initiatives for culture and arts.
The Park has paid special attention to the educational activities on ecology and peace inspired by the works of the great poet Gianni Rodari. His wife Maria Teresa Ferretti has been the ambassador of Monti Lucretili Park since 2007.

The service keeps interacting with schools both through the GENS Programme and directly, as guided visits are also organised by the schools themselves together with the Park.

Even during the hardest COVID period, the service has kept alive its contact with the schools, performing remote and then outdoors activities, adopting all the necessary precautions, in collaboration with local associations.

The service has also recently participated in "Progetto Ossigeno", planting trees in the schoolyards with the help of the pupils.

In 2016, SEA organised an international volunteer camp, during which young people from around the world helped in the care and maintenance of some of the Park trails.

A Laboratory on Environmental and Food Education, created by SEA, has been operating since 2010 during the traditional monthly fair of Osteria Nuova (municipality of Frasso Sabino, Rieti).

In 2014, SEA curated the publication of the book "Parlare con gli alberi - Il Parco Naturale Regionale dei Monti Lucretili nelle scuole locali dal 2001 per l'educazione ambientale e la formazione ecologica" Ed. Quasar, with music cd included -
In 2015, the two workshops on the Council of Park Youth were illustrated in the volume "Dalla parte della natura - Proposte, idee, sogni e speranze", Ed. Quasar.

Both volumes can be consulted at the library of Giardino dei Cinque Sensi, or can be requested for free (including a motivation) at

Further information

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

The Five Senses Garden
The Five Senses Garden
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