
Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

Vivi il Parco

La nuova guida alla scoperta del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

A new guide, in ecological FSC-certified paper, with hundreds of original photographs and drawings, dozens of insights, advice and curiosities, to discover the wonders of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park. In spring, among moving blooms, or following the tracks of animals in winter; in autumn, to admire the forest colours, as in summer to enjoy the liveliness of the villages: all information to experience an intact, wild and welcoming territory all year round. 700 kilometers of trails, between high rocky peaks and green forests, a kingdom of bears, wolves and chamois. 24 precious hamlets with an ancient charm, in which stories and flavours are hidden, where the present mixes with tradition. A "guide" that leads the tourist, almost like a more experienced hiking companion, who indicates where to go and what to look at and, at the same time, intrigues and encourages the discovery and understanding of a protected area where the future is the real gamble. Almost one hundred years after its foundation and with its beech woods recognized in 2017 as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the oldest park in Italy has never been so modern and fascinating.
  • Author/s: Bruno D'Amicis, Umberto Esposito
  • Publisher: Edizioni del Parco
  • ISBN: 978-88-943765-0-0
  • Pages: 163 (Inclusa 1 cartina con itinerari e info pratiche)
  • Size: 15x21 cm
  • Year: 2018
  • Price: 12.00 €  
  • Text language:

Notes: Illustrations: Elisabetta Mitrovic

Vivi il Parco
Vivi il Parco
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