
Parco Nazionale dell'Arcipelago di La Maddalena


Permit / Authorization Issue

What are the Park Authorizations and what are they for?

Within the Park area, yachting, sports fishing, diving, and economic activities linked to the sea are allowed by previous issue of specific authorizations only. These can be issued for free or on payment of a sum of money. The income deriving from the authorization issue is one of the most important self-financing sources for the Park Authority. Thanks to this income, the Park can guarantee the regular implementation of its own establishment mission through promotion, environmental education and sensitization activities, as well as control the access to the waters of the Archipelago. Moreover, thanks to it, the Park can sponsor researches and useful facilities offered to visitors, like for instance:

  • the placement of free buoy fields
  • the recovery of situation of environmental degradation and the delimitation of some dune systems
  • the scientific monitoring

For non-residents, the yachting and scuba diving authorizations are issued on payment. As a matter of fact, one of the main goals of Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park is to correctly inform the public about the activities allowed in the protected area; therefore, with the authorization issued by the Park Authority and the brochures we will hand in with it, we would like to share with visitors the great fragility of this natural place declared Site of Community Importance (SCI) and Special Protection Area (SPA), a precious site for the presence of rare and protected animal species and vegetation, in some cases unique in the Mediterranean. We would like to remind you that yachting with no permit required before entering the marine area of the Park represents a violation of the rules in force; in this case, the sum of money to be paid for the permit issue at sea after regular control by the personnel will be increased of the 40%. We therefore recommend all boaters to straighten out their position according to the above-mentioned methods. Moreover, we invite all visitors and boaters to promptly call the police (Harbormaster's Office: ph. 1530 and CFVA: ph. 1515) if, near Mortorio Island, someone should require the payment of an entrance ticket to the Park area, since this is a fraud. 

Payment / authorization issue methods for boating and diving activities

Opening times of the Environmental Authorisation Office

Every working day, Monday to Friday, from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. On Tuesdays and Thursdays also from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Environmental Excursion Guides and Tourist Guides

Would you like to visit the park with a guide?
Here you will find all the information you need to do so. In particular, we would like to remind you that in the TA zones of the Park (such as Cala Brigantina or Cala Cuticciu), which are classified as zones of significant natural interest requiring high protection, it is only possible to go there with the accompaniment of an environmental excursion guide. Penalties are provided for infringements of these regulations.

Further information

Environmental Excursion Guides and Tourist Guides

Environmental Hiking Guides

The Environmental Hiking Guide can lead you along the Park's paths and in the TA zones. PDF Download the list (updated 26/02/2025)

Environmental Hiking Guides 2025

Tourist Guides

The tourist guide can take you to visit the historic centre of La Maddalena or the museums in the area PDF download list

Touristic Guides 2023

Diving Centers

The Park Authority aims at preserving the seabed from anchorage, safeguarding the divers' safety, and protecting the habitats and the evolution dynamics enabling the implementation of the fish stocks in the whole marine area of the Park. The access to the Protected Diving Spots is therefore allowed only to the diving centers authorized by the Park Authority and provided with an alphanumeric flag used to identify the operators and to confirm they are entitled to practice sports diving.
Each operator - no more than two at the same time for each site - can carry out diving activities with at least two guides for a maximum of 12 divers, while free divers can practice diving in the Protected Diving Spots only if together with the staff of the authorized diving centers.

Authorized Diving Centers, year 2021

Flabellina affinis
Flabellina affinis

The Projects of the La Maddalena Archipelago Park's Management Body

This section contains the projects carried out by La Maddalena Archipelago Park's Management Body, in collaboration with associations, universities, and other public bodies.

Further information

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