
Parco Nazionale del Gargano


'Oasi Lago Salso' Visitor Center

Provincial Road, 159
71043 Manfredonia (FG)
Municipality: Manfredonia
Region: Puglia

Contact: WWF
Tel. 0884/296109 - Fax 0884/296109

After the one in Lesina, the Visitor Center in Manfredonia, in Lago Salso Nature Sanctuary. It is a brand-new building situated at the entrance of the nature sanctuary and will house the different marshy environments with particular reference to the birds. Around the Visitor Center will turn all the naturalistic, cultural, and economic activities able to arouse interest and curiosity towards one of the most important wetlands of the Mediterranean area which are safeguarded thanks to the establishment of Gargano National Park.
"With the creation of the second Park Visitor Center - highlights the President Matteo Fusilli - the actions promoted by the Park will continue to be addressed to the safeguard of these fragile biotopes, but at the same time to a compatible fruition. A difficult challenge has led both to the detection of an area for the establishment of an important Park Visitor Center and the reconstruction of a village of the Dauni, and to conservation measures like the one promoted by the Park and by the Municipality of Manfredonia which, in collaboration with LIPU, are working at the reintroduction of the White-headed Duck, a diving duck characterized by the blue beak and died out in great part of Europe. After the inauguration of the Visitor Center - continues Fussily - we will complete the Center for the reproduction of the endangered species. With these premises, the marshes of Gargano National Park, so dear to Federico II, will become unique in Italy as far as naturalistic fruition and conservation are concerned".

From game preserve to gateway of Gargano National Park
Feared and fought by man for centuries, the Sipontine Marshes have been rediscovered and safeguarded by Gargano National Park for their considerable biodiversity and ecological importance, to the extent that they represent an ideal place for naturalist photographers. The television documentaries compare the sanctuary of Lago Salso and the nearby Frattarolo marsh to an intercontinental airport where there are thousands of arrivals and departures of bird species.
Considering the diversity of the habitats, it is easy to observe spoonbills, glossy ibis, cranes, black-winged stilts, marsh harriers, and several species of herons.
Thanks to a project of Gargano National Park and Lipu, we are working for the reintroduction of some rare species, like the White-headed duck.
The vegetation is characteristic of the marshy environments, and it is characterized by the delicate spring blooming of the water buttercup or of the large populations of common reed, broken here and there by the wonderful blooming of the pale-yellow iris. Among the services offered by the Park Visitor Center there are the tour of the valleys with comfortable electric boats, the sighting and the observation of the birds.
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