
Parco Nazionale del Gargano


The 'trabucco', the Big Cave, and the Necropolis of Punta Manaccora


  • Trail Conditions: On foot

    The itinerary leaves from Grottone di Manaccora, where Gargano National Park has financed an excavation campaign carried out by Sovrintendenza archeologica della Puglia. In this cave, several evidences on the activities carried out by the hut-dwelling people have been found: weaving and metal working, giving the opportunity to date the settlement back to the Bronze Age. From Grottone, you will reach the necropolis by following a pedestrian route. From this place, visitors will have the opportunity to admire the panorama of one of the most beautiful inlets of Gargano, and can also carry out a visit to the nearby "trabucco" of Manaccora.

    Technical remarks

    • Period: from April to September
    • Duration: half day
    • Equipment: sports clothes, trekking shoes, camera, and a good water supply.

    Information and bookings:
    Agrifoglio tour
    Piazza S. Antonio, 3 - 71010 Peschici (FG) - Tel. +39 0884 962721

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