Monti Sibillini National Park Scientific-Informative Publications / 14
The waters of Sibillini are an extraordinary but fragile heritage and a
vital element for the territory, because the life of the living beings
populating the Park is indissolubly linked to it. But water is also an
essential element for the work of man and has characterized his art,
history, and culture: from the ancient abbeys built along the rivers to
the ancient mills, silent witnesses of the past, to the lakes and
hydroelectric power plants that represent an extraordinary and
alternative source of energy for our Country.
- Series: Quaderni Scientifico-Divulgativi del Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini
- Edited by: Luciano Luciani, Paolo Petri
- Publisher: Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini
- ISBN: 88-89916-18-6
- Pages: 40
- Size: 20.5x20.5cm
- Year: 2008
- Price: 6.00 €