
Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini


The Park Tour Guides

The Official Tour Guides of Monti Sibillini National Park have been trained with special courses (according to what established by the law 394/91) to carry out environmental interpretation activities. Moreover, each tour guide has specific professional qualifications according to what established by the regulations in force (alpine tour guide, naturalistic tour guide, medium-mountain tour guide, horse-riding tour guide, ski and mountain bike instructor, tourist animator, etc.). In this way, it is possible to offer extremely diversified activities, giving the visitors the opportunity to live an unforgettable experience at the discovery of the "concealed treasures" and the most fascinating features of Monti Sibillini National Park.
Moreover, the Tour Guides play an important role in the monitoring of critical areas and in the promotional activity of the Park.

Further information

The Park Official Tour Guides

Le Case del Parco (The Park Houses)

At the moment, in the territory of Monti Sibillini National Park there are 15 structures - called "Case del Parco" - which are situated in each Park Municipality and are managed by Cooperatives made of young people usually living within the Park territory. These structures are not real visitor centers, even if they are very similar to them.
The activities carried out in "Case del Parco" are:

  1. Institutional services
  2. Social and economic animation activities
  3. Further services 

The Institutional Services include:

  • information provided to visitors about the tourist visits in the Park (rules of behavior, tourist welcome structures and resources, road conditions, paths, events, weather conditions, etc.)
  • recording and monitoring of visitors;
  • test of the visitors' degree of satisfaction for the service provided by "Casa del Parco";
  • information about the institutional and administrative activities of the Park provided to the people living in its territory;
  • sensitization and information activities about the rules of behavior in the Park;
  • promotion and sale of the Park's gadgets and promotion of information material;
  • representation activity on the behalf of the Park Authority (fairs, meetings, etc.);
  • collection of local data or information on behalf of the Park Authority;
  • administrative activities related to the management of "Casa del Parco".

Social and economic animation activities
They deal with the socio-economic development of the Municipality involved, but they can also consider projects and activities regarding other territories. They vary according to each "Casa del Parco".

Further services
They deal with the functions of "Case del Parco" for which the Park Authority can give further economic support.
Among the others:

  • monitoring of the critical areas
  • environmental interpretation.

"Case del Parco" collaborate in an active manner with the Park Tour Guides organizing with them the environmental interpretation activities. The Park Tour Guides are professionals directly prepared by the Park Authority according to the law on the protected areas (L. 394/1991). Besides them there are also other services, such as tourist guides, naturalistic guides, equestrian guides, mountain guides, environmental guides. They are enrolled in their respective Lists.
Moreover, some managing Cooperatives are also the owners of the Environmental Education Centers, and carry out within them the activities. Two Cooperatives manage Holiday houses, and therefore offer refreshment and welcome services also for excursionists and groups of students. 

Further information

Le Case del Parco (The Park Houses)

Bike rental

Arquata del Tronto


Castelluccio di Norcia



RVs parking area

The Monti Sibillini National Park granted a financial contribution to some Municipalities for the realization of seven equipped areas for the RVs' parking.
All the RVs' parking areas are provided with the basic services (dump stations) and is situated near the built-up areas. They are managed by the Municipalities that entrusted the management of it to private subjects.

Discover the Sibillini mountains by RV
To discover the Sibillini mountains by RV, motorbike or car, they identified the Grande Via del Parco and six ring routes forming a 450-km-long network developed along the already existing roads and equipped with path markers. The Grande Via del Parco is a more than 190-km-long itinerary open to vehicles to carry out a satisfying journey lasting more days.

Further information

RV parking area in Amandola
RV parking area in Amandola
RV parking area in Preci
RV parking area in Preci

Environmental Education Centers

Environmental Education Centers represent essential instruments for a careful knowledge of the Park territory. Managed by cooperatives, associations, or local authorities, they have the important task to inform the Park visitors about its most important features and, at the same time, sensitizing them to a greater respect of the environment. Environmental Education Centers are mainly addressed to schools, and offer several programs lasting one or more days, also personalized according to the various didactic needs.

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