
Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini


Situated between the Marches and Umbria, Sibillini Park is a crossroads of very ancient gastronomic traditions: the sheep breeding culture combines with norcineria (of which Umbria is the unquestioned capital) and agriculture, which resists with some characteristic products like Castelluccio lentils. On Sibillini Mountains, excellent cold cuts are produced - coppe, pork loins and capocolli, salami, ham - but the local history is mainly linked to transhumance: the most important cheese is pecorino cheese, but you can also find ricotta cheese (fresh or mature) and, to a lesser extent, goat cheese or mixed cheese. But the list of the gastronomic products is not finished: this uncontaminated territory also offers ancient apple varieties, excellent honey productions, truffles, mushrooms (russula, boletus, amanita, Chantarelles), chestnuts, chick-peas, chicklings, trout (bred in the stream Nera), flours (wheat, corn, etc.), bread baked in the wood-burning oven, biscuits and the two traditional local desserts: Mistrà and Vin cotto.
The selection of the excellent products has been carried out by a qualified Slow Food jury after the tasting and the evaluation of the Park products.

From Atlante dei Prodotti Tipici dei Parchi (Italian text), edited by Slow Food and supported by Legambiente and Federparchi.

Found 15 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
They can be both sweet and savory. They are similar to a semi-lunar big fritter. The covering consists of a crunchy sheet of pasta dough, yellow and smooth (thanks to the brushed egg yolk), and the filling varies: it can be based on ricotta, eggs, sugar,...
Category: Sweets
Monti Sibillini Pecorino Cheese
The Park habitat is ideal for the production of cheese based on sheep milk. In particular, Appenninica sheep is bred in the area: it is a strong sheep deriving from Sopravvissana line and producing excellent milk. The cheese-making method is the traditional...
Category: Cheese
Pink apples are an ancient species that has always been cultivated in Sibillini Mountains. They are very small, irregular, slightly squeezed, and with a very short peduncle. They have a greenish color with shades going from pink to violaceous red. The...
Category: Fruit
In the countryside of the Marches, Mistrà is a traditional liquor which is produced with green anise (very common on Sibillini), wild fennel and fruits (apples and oranges).
Category: Liquors and Distilled beverages
Honey, the "food of the Gods", is probably the most natural food, since it is entirely produced by bees starting from the flower nectar. According to the flower producing the nectar, honey acquires different colors, features, tastes, and names. For this...
Category: Honey
Castelluccio plateau lies at an altitude of 1,400m above sea-level. It is 7 km long and is covered with meadows and flowers. A part of this area, consisting of Pian Grande, Pian Piccolo, and Pian Perduto, is cultivated by a few and usually old farmers...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
It is called Pisum Arvense, and is similar to the pea (the bean is only a bit smaller and dark green). It has been always and exclusively cultivated in Castelluccio di Norcia: it is sown in March and harvested between late July and early August (like...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
It is the classical Easter recipe, widespread almost everywhere in the Marches. It has a round shape, recalling the shape of panettone. The height varies according to the recipes. The dough is made of common wheat flour, eggs, local pecorino cheese (someone...
Category: Bread
Until the 1930s, in Sibillini there was almost exclusively corn bread. Now it is very difficult to find it. However, a few bakers still produce the yellow, compact, and fragrant bread with an intense fragrance of polenta. Someone recalls that once it...
Category: Bread
Marchigiana Cow
The history of Marchigiana cow breed begins in the mid-19th century: from the cross between Podolica cows and Chianini oxen, a breed with a better attitude to work and meat production was obtained, ideal for the pastures situated in the marginal and difficult...
Category: Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Born in the 13th century from the cross between Spanish Merinos rams and Vissane sheep, Sopravvissana sheep has become widespread from Lazio to Umbria, the Marches, Tuscany, and Abruzzi. With a medium size (60/70 kilos in males and 40/50 in females),...
Category: Autochthonous Breed and Meat
This particular "salami to spread" (also called ciauscolo and ciabuscolo) is the most characteristic charcuterie of the Marches. According to the traditional recipe, it should be prepared with meat coming from belly, entrecote, and shoulder, adding...
Category: Cold Cuts
A close relative of ciavuscolo, it is a sort of paté de foie of the poor: the recipes are many, but the ingredients are almost always pork liver, meat and a little fat, dressed with salt and pepper, seasoned with grated orange peel, garlic, and...
Category: Cold Cuts
Black Truffle
It is commonly called "Tartufo Nero di Norcia e Spoleto" (Norcia and Spoleto Black Truffle). Tuber melanosporum Vittadini can be recognized from other varieties (such as Tuber brumale Vittadini or winter black truffle and Tuber aestivum Vittadini, or...
Category: Truffles
The most famous truffle which has also a great commercial value. The white truffle has a globular and irregular shape and can reach the size of an orange, weighing more than 200-300 grams.
Category: Truffles
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