A3: exits Atena Lucana (to SS 598 "Val d'Agri"); Padula (to Paterno); Lagonegro (to Monte Sirino); Lauria (to SS 653 "Sinnica" and Castelsaraceno);
A16: exit Candela (to SS 497 "Basentana" and Potenza)
From Potenza: SS 407 "Basentana", then SS 95 var. Tito-Brienza
From Matera: SS 407 "Basentana", SS 598 "Val d'Agri"
From Taranto and Sibari: SS 106 "Jonica", SS 598 "Val d'Agri"
Nearest railway stations (Potenza, Sapri, Maratea, Policoro) combined with the regional bus services.
Direct connections from the main Italian cities to Potenza and exchange points with the regional bus lines.
Stopover airports in Pontecastagno (SA), Naples, Bari, Lamezia Terme, Airfield of Grumento Nova (light aircraft).