
Parco Nazionale dell'Appennino Lucano
Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese

Grumentum - Colonia romana

The extraordinary state of preservation of the excavations makes Grumentum, together with Ostia, Pompei, and Ercolano, one of the few Roman towns giving a global idea of town center. As a matter of fact, it includes the ruins of the walls, the aqueduct, and the regular urban structure. Moreover, it preserves all the public monuments characterizing the Roman towns: the Forum, the basilica, the temples, the Curia, the entertainment buildings (theater and amphitheater), and the spas.
This work is an archaeological guidebook not only for the tourist, but also for the expert user: a never banal publication easy to read rich in images.
  • Author/s: Vincenzo Falasca
  • Publisher: Zaccara Editore
  • ISBN: 978-88-9550-825-2
  • Pages: 64
  • Size: 11.7x20cm
  • Year: 2011
Grumentum - Colonia romana
Grumentum - Colonia romana
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