
Parco Nazionale dell'Appennino Lucano
Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese

Stories and legends of the first Christians in Val d'Agri

In addition to legendary figures such as Hannibal, other important men made the history of the Val d'Agri in antiquity: the martyr Laverio, for example, represents a personality to whom the beginning of Christianity in Grumentum is linked. We know his story thanks to a work, in Latin, written by Roberto da Romana, deacon of Saponara (today's Grumento Nova) in 1162.

Further information

(46836)The modern church of San Laverio
The modern church of San Laverio
(46837)Capuchin tomb from the excavation of the early Christian basilica of San Laverio
Capuchin tomb from the excavation of the early Christian basilica of San Laverio
(12283)San Laverio sarcophagous found in September 2006, during the excavation
San Laverio sarcophagous found in September 2006, during the excavation
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