
Parco Nazionale dell'Appennino Lucano
Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese

On the trail of Indiana Jones: searching for the ancient via Herculia bridge over the Maglia river

The Agri valley has always been a privileged natural traffic route, since pre-protohistory, because it connects the inland and mountainous areas of Lucania with both coasts, the Ionian following the river route, and the Tyrrhenian through several passes of considerable importance, both for transhumance routes and to connect, in historical times, the people of the interior with the Ionian and Etruscan-influenced Magna Greek colonies on the Tyrrhenian. With Romanisation, Lucania was immediately provided with military roads, i.e, routes by which the central power could control peripheral areas by sending military contingents.

Further information

(46849)Marsico Nuovo, Palazzo Pignatelli: milestone of the Via Herculia, found near the San Giovanni Fountain, also in Marsico Nuovo
Marsico Nuovo, Palazzo Pignatelli: milestone of the Via Herculia, found near the San Giovanni Fountain, also in Marsico Nuovo
(46850)Grumento Nova, locality of San Giuseppe: cylinder mausoleum on a cube base, 1st century AD.
Grumento Nova, locality of San Giuseppe: cylinder mausoleum on a cube base, 1st century AD.
(46851)Grumento Nova, Bosco di Maglia locality: simple cylinder mausoleum, fallen on one side
Grumento Nova, Bosco di Maglia locality: simple cylinder mausoleum, fallen on one side
(46852)Grumento Nova, Bosco di Maglia locality: Roman bridge
Grumento Nova, Bosco di Maglia locality: Roman bridge
(46853)Grumento Nova, Bosco di Maglia locality: Roman bridge
Grumento Nova, Bosco di Maglia locality: Roman bridge
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