
Parco Naturale Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino

Visitor Centers

The Park Visitor Centers

The Visitors Centers represent for the Park a sort of visit card, a means to inform, to provide a first idea of the naturalistic-environmental reality of the involved area. This is the reason of the privileged interest in these structures since the beginning and this is the reason why, after years of experience, we have thought to differentiate them by meeting the environmental diversities on which they work and favoring the cooperation and the gaining awareness of the local population.
Each center is a small museum where everyone, besides receiving all the information on the initiatives organized in the Park and subscribe to them, can buy publications, the map of the Park, and material of naturalistic interest.

Further info

Visitor Centers
Paneveggio Visitor Center
Location: Predazzo (TN)
Specialties: Woodlands and Forests
San Martino di Castrozza Visitor Center
San Martino di Castrozza Visitor Center
Geology and Life in the Mountains
Location: San Martino di Castrozza (TN)
Specialties: Geology
Villa Welsperg Visitor Center - Casa del Parco
Location: Tonadico (TN)
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