
Parco Naturale Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino


Vademecum for the Visit

After the Park Plan came into force on 25th December 1996 with its prohibitions, restrictions, and regulations necessary to achieve the Park aims as far as the use of the territory is concerned, some good rules of behavior have been introduced or reasserted, with the aim to safeguard natural and environmental features.

For information: Parco Naturale Paneveggio Pale di San Martino - Villa Welsperg - Val Canali - 38054 Tonadico (TN), Tel. +39 0439 64854 - Fax +39 0439 762419 - E-mail:

Vademecum for the Visit

The Joëlette

The Joëlette gives also people with disabilities the opportunity to live nature

The Park has a "Joëlette". The Joëlette has been named after its inventor, the mountain tour guide Joël Claudel. It is an all-terrain one-wheeled chair that, thanks to the help of two assistants, gives the opportunity to people with disabilities or with reduced motor abilities to take part in tours developing along the mountain trails and in environmental education activities.

For further information, please contact Lucia Bertagnin: - +39 0439 765977

The Joëlette

Shuttle Bus

Living the Park also means discovering and visiting its naturalistic and landscape treasures without disturbing the environment, the wildlife, the flowers, and the plants populating the protected area.
It is possible to discover these treasures and visit the protected area without causing damages, avoiding the disordered assault of cars, motorbikes, and coaches. Also the road traffic must become increasingly sustainable for the environment: less damaging emissions, less noise, less traffic jams will give everyone the opportunity to enjoy the wonders of nature and to safeguard them for the future.

Shuttle Bus
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