

At School in San Lorenzo Park

Environmental Education Activities                                     

Workshop proposals for Kindergartens, Elementary Schools, and Middle Schools
The Pegognaga Municipal Administration and the association "Laboratorio Ambiente" put at the schools' disposal a series of environmental education activities aimed at discovering San Lorenzo Park - "Place of the Po Plain Nature and History", a continuously developing ecosystem and an environmental heritage involving more municipalities, that must be enhanced.
The following environmental education proposals, as "outdoor classrooms/workshops", aim at arousing the teachers' interest and at promoting in students responsible behaviors when dealing with the environment and all the elements of the ecosystem.

(the following links lead to Italian texts)                                

Brochure "A scuola nel Parco San Lorenzo" (PDF - 3.8Mb)

Pegognaga Town Hall - Ecology Office
Tel. +39 0376 5546220 - Fax +39 0376 550071 - E-mail:
Municipal Library, Tel. +39 0376 558688 - E-mail:
"Laboratorio Ambiente" Association, Tel. +39 0376 558226

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

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