
Parco Regionale dei Laghi di Suviana e Brasimone


The Park Facilities

  • The Park Center, Camugnano (housing the Park Head Offices): The Visitor Center is at the Town Hall premises in Piazza Kennedy 10, on the left of the Town Hall entrance.
    Open Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 and - by prior reservation only - from 3 to 5 pm. Tel. +39 0534 46712.
  • "Laboratorio delle Acque" (Waters Laboratory), Via Tramonti, 22 - loc. Suviana.
    Open for the public on request.
  • Not directly linked to the Park, the ENEL-ENEA Information Center is situated on the Brasimone lake's shores, opposite the ENEA Research center, which is sometimes open to the public on the occasion of events of particular interest organized in collaboration with local organizations and/or associations. The different events organized within the Center aim at the better scientific knowledge of the relationship between energy and environment, of the resources use and climate change, of the renewable energy sources and energy saving, of the role of the research and the technological innovation.
    For further information call +39 0534 801390-801358 or send an e-mail to

The Park Facilities

Adventure Park

Parco Avventura

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