
Rete di Riserve Alta Val di Cembra - Avisio


Visitor Centers

Visitor Centers and Info Points

The info point of the Alta Val di Cembra-Avisio Reserves Network will be opened soon.
The municipality of Grumes, as leading authority of the "Alta Valle di Cembra - Avisio Reserves Network", established in 2011 among the municipalities of Capriana, Faver, Grauno, Grumes and Valda, realized a project for the establishment of an information point aimed at both the fostering of the sustainable tourist offer of the Alta Valle di Cembra and at the trade of the valley's typical products.

Such structure was realized in Grumes along the state street 612, near the built-up area, with the aim to become a stop area also for those - even if they cross the Cembra Valley to reach more famous tourist destinations (Fiemme and Fossa Valleys) - who never stopped there to know its territory and the typical features and richness of its local agricultural products.

Being a central village, Grumes is a strategical point from where the hiking itineraries can depart to follow the different directions.

The Alta Valle di Cembra-Avisio Reserves Network needs an information point which can be easily visible and reachable, and which can function as a key point to promote its activities and its territories, and as a structure which can become a meeting point for the agricultural and the tourist worlds.
Green Grill
Location: Grumes (TN)
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