
Rete di Riserve Alta Val di Cembra - Avisio



The Network's Trails

Along the reserves network a thick network of forestry roads and paths winds across the forests or the terraces, crossing environments which change unexpectedly, wild small valleys and canyons where ancient buildings, once headquarters of important economic activities such as the mills meet, trails to practice the sport trekking or thematic trails where one can increase one's knowings about nature.


Within the Reserves Network most of the territory can be reached through the forestry path network or through the marked paths. Many specific itineraries are under construction through the Reserves network, therefore we are currently showing only the already realized ones.

Botanical-Nature Trail (stretch of Grumes)
Botanical-Nature Trail (stretch of Grumes)
Departure: paese di Valda (raggiungibile con i mezzi pubblici in 5 minuti da Grumes)
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 4 hours (with return to Grumes from the Trail of the...
Interest: Flora, Panorama
Grumes - Valdonega
Grumes - Valdonega
Departure: Grumes
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist (level)
Duration: 4 hours (with deviation towards Lac del Vedes-Potzmauer);...
Interest: Panorama
Path of the borders - Grenzenwanderung
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 5 h 30 m
Interest: Panorama
Potzmauer Mountain Hut
Potzmauer Mountain Hut
Departure: Grumes
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 3 hours (outward and backward)
Interest: Flora, Panorama
Tour of the Farms in Grumes
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: T - Tourist (level)
Duration: 2 h
Interest: Panorama, History
Trail of the ancient professions
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
Duration: 3 hours (1st stretch) 6 hours (full itinerary)
Interest: Panorama, History

Wellness in Nature Trails

The "Benessere nella Natura" project (Wellness in Nature) aims at enhancing some precious features of the Reserves Network's environmental heritage. It consists of a series of trails with didactic boards offering the visitors several opportunities: to practice Nordic Walking surrounded by Nature, to learn about the edible and healing spontaneous plants, to discover the extraordinary healing properties of the larch's resin known as "largà". The project was realized thanks to the funds of the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

PDF Download the leaflet with the map (852Kb) (Italian text)

Capriana - Peschiera Path
Capriana - Peschiera Path
Nordic Walking Trail
Departure: Pra del Manz, Capriana
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: medium
Duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Interest: Flora
Capriana - Trail of the larch forest
Capriana - Trail of the larch forest
Nordic Walking Trail
Departure: Pra del Manz, Capriana
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: easy
Duration: 0.20
Interest: Flora, Panorama
Cembra Trail
Cembra Trail
Nordic Walking Trail
Departure: Ponciach, Faver
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: demanding
Duration: 6 h
Interest: Flora, Panorama
Faver - Pincaldo Trail
Faver - Pincaldo Trail
Nordic Walking Trail
Departure: Ponciach, Faver
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: medium
Duration: 1 h 30 m
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
Largà Trail
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: easy
Duration: 1 h 30 m
Interest: Flora
Nature Trail
Nature Trail
Nordic Walking Trail
Departure: Pian da L'Ost Grant, Grumes
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: meium
Duration: 45 minutes
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
Nordic Walking Trails
Typology: On foot
Ponciach - Gravoni Trail
Ponciach - Gravoni Trail
Nordic Walking Trail
Departure: Ponciach, Faver
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: easy
Duration: 50 minutes
Interest: Flora
School ring-route and sensorial trail
School ring-route and sensorial trail
Nordic Walking Trail
Departure: Pian da L'Ost Grant, Grumes
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: easy
Duration: 8 minutes
Interest: Flora, Wildlife
Trail Herbs of Health
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: Easy
Duration: 1 h 30 m
Interest: Flora

Project co-finenced by the EU through the E.D.R.F.

Trekking of the Ancient Lakes

A three-day trekking in the silent woods and the valuable Reserves of Alta Val di Cembra and Parco Naturale Monte Corno

This trekking has been conceived and realised by the agency for tourist promotion of Grumes, together with the Reserves Network, the Park, tourist promotion actors and several private operators. It is a multi-leg itinerary in the territory between Bassa Atesina  and Alta Valle di Cembra, especially focusing on protected areas of this territory. It is conceived as a loop, from Pochi di Salorno to Dossone di Cembra, Mt. Corno, the small village of Cauria, and again to Pochi.

Trekking of the Ancient Lakes
Trekking of the Ancient Lakes
A three-day trekking in the silent woods and the valuable Reserves of Alta Val di Cembra and Parco Naturale Monte Corno
Departure: Pochi di Salorno
Map with georeferenced itinerary
Typology: On foot
Difficulty Level: E (for children in good shape, too)
Interest: Geology, Panorama
Duration: 6 h (without stops)
Duration: 4.15 h (without stops)
Duration: 3.45 h (without stops)
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© 2025 - Rete di Riserve Alta Valle di Cembra - Avisio