
Riserva naturale regionale laghi di Doberdo' e Pietrarossa


Points of Interest

Casa Cadorna

Casa Cadorna was built by the Italian troops during World War I. It was almost destroyed and then rebuilt by the CAI Association from Gorizia (inauguration in 1977) to safeguard the climbing gym.

A detail of Casa Cadorna with panoramic view of the sea
A detail of Casa Cadorna with panoramic view of the sea

The Castelliere

From Casa Cadorna one climbs the path 72 and reaches the flat summit of the Colle Nero. Here, despite the war devastation, the ruins of the walls of an ancient village (called "castelliere") are still visible.
The "castellieri" were fortified built-up areas situated on reliefs that could be easily defended. They were situated near water springs and connection ways, and were built by Indo-European populations of Balkan origin whose main activity was sheep farming. They settled in the Karst region since the Copper Age, and they stayed during the Bronze Age until the Iron Age.

Castelliere above Gradina
Castelliere above Gradina
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