

The MPA for Tourists

A unique occasion to discover the sea environment is offered by Recreational Fishing: complete tourist packages to experience the toil and joy of a fishing day, together with professional fishermen and the unique taste of the fish which, after being caught, is cooked according to the local traditional recipes.

Tours by boat, accessible for everyone, represent the easiest and most relaxing way to enjoy the marine landscape and the extraordinary view of the coast observed from the peacefulness of the sea.
The multicolored coast and mild climate give tourists the opportunity to visit the reserve for most of the year, carrying out tours along the coast and guided visits across sandy landscapes with spectacular and preserved high dunes, stretches of low coast, small dolines full of brackish water locally called "spunnulate", and a sea scattered with several small islands and outcropping cliffs, and a coast scattered with ancient watchtowers.


Diving is the most widespread form of tourism in the Marine Protected Areas all around the world; for this reason, Porto Cesareo Marine Protected Area has prepared three "Blue Trails" along its beds, with a particular attention to the different kinds of divers, from beginners to the most expert ones. The trails represent a cross-section of the potentialities of the Marine Reserve: they are three itineraries dedicated to divers with a different preparation and experience level. The trails have been described, drawn, completed with planimetry and marked with special mooring buoys.
Diving activities in the area are regulated by decrees of the Port Authority that can be found on: Capitaneria di Porto - Guardia Costiera di Gallipoli.

Beach Establishments in Porto Cesareo MPA

The beaches of Porto Cesareo Marine Protected Area represent an invaluable richness... very fine and white sand deriving from the crumbling of the calcareous rock and sea shells over million years. A very fragile natural heritage where only virtuous beach establishments offer eco-sustainable visit opportunities.

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