
Area Marina Protetta Tavolara
Punta Coda Cavallo


Environmental Education Proposals

For Elementary and Middle Schools...

All proposals start from direct experiences to live in the natural environments offered by the Marine Protected Area, to explore and use as a big laboratory where you can carry out surveys on the world of nature and on the interaction between man and environment. We prefer to suggest recreational activities, giving the opportunity to make the work pleasant and offering an occasion to freely move in the wonderful scenery of the MPA.

Equipment: Comfortable clothes and shoes, rucksack, a pencil and some paper sheet.

Contact: Consorzio di gestione Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo
Via Dante, 1 - 07026 Olbia (SS) - Tel. +39 0789 203013 - Fax +39 0789 204514 - E-mail:

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Environmental Education ProposalsEnvironmental Education Proposals
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