
Area Marina Protetta Tavolara
Punta Coda Cavallo


The Facilities of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area

The Marine Protected Area has opened various info points scattered throughout the territory, with the aim to inform visitors and make them aware of the existing rules and the environmental value of the protected area. They are situated in San Teodoro, at I.CI.MAR (Istituto Civiltà del Mare, the Sea Civilization Institute), and in Porto San Paolo, at the Local Tourist Board and CRiMM (Centro Ricerca Mammiferi Marini, the Sea Mammals Research Center).
The info points provide visitors with information on the institutional activities and promote the summer events organized by the Park Authority, paying particular attention to the educational and communication activities dedicated to tourists. With the aim to promote the discovery of the territory, the Park Authority also promotes various activities of naturalistic tourism, from diving to dolphin watching.

Further information

The Facilities of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area


The growth in fish and the fact that it is easier to see various fish species from close up demonstrate the validity of the safeguard measures of the MPA and support the possibility to connect them with development prospects.
The Park Authority is aware that divers are the witnesses of the results of the safeguard activity.

Diving Spots

Further information

Diving Centers


Info Point

Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area has created a network of Info Points, with the aim to promote itself and offer its visitors all the necessary information for a correct presence on the territory. Crimm and the Local Tourist Board in Porto San Paolo and I.CI.MAR in San Teodoro represent the peripheral offices of the MPA.

Further information

Harbors, Landing Places, and Marinas

Along the coastline of Tavolara MPA there are two marinas available for yachtsmen.

Harbors, Landing Places, and Marinas

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© 2025 - Consorzio di gestione Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo