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Chestnut grove (photo by Paolo Ballardini)
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Equipped picnic area (photo by Paolo Ballardini)
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Panorama (photo by Paolo Ballardini)

The Nature Reserve covers an area of 328 hectares, of which about 300 are covered by woodlands, while the remaining ones are grazing lands. Forest areas include about 186 hectares of artificial pinewood - mainly Austrian Pines - and 114 hectares of coppice. Conifer plantations cover areas which are potentially bound to house a mixed wood of Beech trees and Silver firs at high altitudes and at northern exposures, while at lower altitudes they cover areas potentially bound to house woods of Downy oak, Hop Hornbeam, and Flowering Ash.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 327.60 ha
Provinces: PV
Establishment: 1985
  • Emporio dei Parchi - Acquisti online RR ERSAF Lombardia
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