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Mount Prinzera Regional Reserve (photo by Riserva Regionale Monte Prinzera)

A solitary ophiolite relief along the ancient Via Francigena

A dark rock between the soft hills of the Taro Valley: it is the outline of Mount Prinzera, an ophiolite outcrop in the landscape of the Parma Apennines. A 736-meters-high relief situated on the ridge dividing the Taro and the Sporzana, characterized by a rugged and wild look. Besides the ophiolites, magmatic rocks coming from the ancient sea bottoms (about 200 million years ago), there are different sedimentary allochthonous formations, such as clay, flysch, marl and sandstone.
The plants compose a mosaic consisting of mixed woods, shrublands, grasslands, wetlands.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 308.78 ha
Provinces: PR
Establishment: 1992
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