
Riserva Naturale Ponte a Buriano e Penna



Itineraries in the Nature Reserve

From the Visitor Center in Ponte a Buriano you can reach Trails A (2 km; 20 minutes) and B (400m; 10 minutes) situated in the eastern section of the Nature Reserve. They give the opportunity to reach the canebrake. Trail C (800m; 15 minutes), leaving near Pieve a Maiano, leads to the observation huts at Penna Lake. The access to the observation huts is allowed only during guided visits.
Along the right bank of the river, the trail for Grande Escursione dell'Arno (GERDA) is under construction: it is a trail that, leaving from Ponte Buriano, touches the ancient fortified settlements of Rondine and Penna and continues downstream up to Valle dell'Inferno e Bandella Nature Reserve, ending in loc. Acqua Borra. The itinerary is really charming, cut for long stretches on the steep slopes created by the action of the river and its affluents; it entirely develops across thick woods, near the watercourse, and it crosses the various affluents that often, before reaching the river Arno, form small waterfalls. The stretch of the GERDA involving the Nature Reserve is 9.4 km long and requires a walking time of about 4 hours.

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