
Riserva Speciale del Sacro Monte di Belmonte


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  • Land Surface Area: 349.00 ha
  • Lower altitude (m): 400
  • Higher altitude (m): 700
  • Regions: Piemonte
  • Provinces: Torino
  • Municipalities: Pertusio, Prascorsano, Valperga
  • Establishment Measures: LR 14 22/04/1991 - L.R. 19/2009 e L.R. 19/2015
  • PA Official List: EUAP0359




The vegetation at the top of the mountain has been influenced by the presence of ornamental plants. There are also rather rare species which are characteristic of cool places, among them:

  • Royal Fern
    Osmunda Regalis L., the biggest fern in Piemonte, it is extremely sensitive; it is possible to find it in very wet and concealed places, with a lot of light, far from men and animals. It is characterized by a rich tuft of leaves and penaches, similar to the ones of the corn, from which the spores come out.

  • Drosera
    Small carnivorous plant, a few centimeters high, which spreads out its leaves rich in sensorial tentacles looking for small preys. It belongs to the genre of Drosera Rotundifolia L. and the rarest is Drosera Intermedia Hayne.
13th Station
13th Station
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