
Riserva Speciale del Sacro Monte di Domodossola



Environmental Education Proposals 2010/2011

Sacro Monte Calvario Reserve lies not far from Domodossola, reaches a maximum altitude of 420m a.s.l., and is easily accessible by following the asphalt road leaving from San Quirico Church.
All these factors - the proximity to the town and the reasonable altitude giving the opportunity to visit the Reserve all year round - have transformed the protected area into an ideal educational lab for the schools of Ossola. Not only from a historical-architectural-artistic point of view, but also from a naturalistic point of view.

For info and bookings: Tel: +39 0324 241976 - E-mail:

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Anzuno, Via dei torchi e mulini
Anzuno, Via dei torchi e mulini
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