
Riserva Speciale del Sacro Monte della SS. Trinità di Ghiffa



Environmental Education Proposals - School Year 2010/2011

Sacro Monte della SS. Trinità di Ghiffa Special Nature Reserve was established by Regione Piemonte in order to safeguard and enhance the religious complex and the large woodland extending from the Sanctuary in the north towards Pollino village and in the south towards Caronio, by following the course of Rio Ballona.
The efforts of the Park Authority are not only aimed at safeguarding and enhancing the wood and the forms of life within it, but also at establishing a correct relationship between man and natural environment. In this frame of mind, among the activities the Reserve wants to promote, the work with schools plays an important role.

Info and bookings: Ente di Gestione della Riserva Naturale Speciale del Sacro Monte dalla SS. Trinità di Ghiffa Via SS. Trinità, 48 - 28823 Ghiffa (VB) - Tel +39 0323 59870 - Fax +39 0323 590800 - E-mail:

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Environmental Education Proposals - School Year 2010/2011
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