
Riserva Naturale Villa Borghese di Nettuno


Protected Area

Identity Card

  • Land Surface Area: 36.00 ha
  • Regions: Lazio
  • Provinces: Roma
  • Municipalities: Nettuno
  • Establishment Measures: L.R. 29 26/10/1999
  • PA Official List: EUAP1082



The Environment

The Nature Reserve (about 42 ha) is entirely private property.
The Villa was built in 1674 by bishop Vincenzo Costaguti and became, afterwards, property of Borghese family. It is traditionally called "Bell'Aspetto" for its panoramic position and aesthetic value, and represents a resource of great importance, considering the fact that it is now incorporated in the urban texture of Anzio and Nettuno. The historical Villa lies on a summit dominating the sea, only 500m far, and consists of an architectural complex with annexed historical garden dating back to the 17th century. The western and eastern sections are formed by lands whose aspect has been influenced by their past agricultural or forest use. Currently, the Nature Reserve is divided into five areas, included in various private properties. Of great interest the system of old galleries dug under the villa and used during World War II by the 6th Force of the V American Troop as headquarters: it represents an authentic war evidence.
The historical park is interested by a thick network of paths and alleys combining the function of connection with the structural arrangement of the area, inspiring itself to the Italian Renaissance garden whose main features are: the creation of closed spaces delimited by symmetrical axes; symmetrical arrangement of the flowerbeds and paths using yew and laurel hedges creating patterns and separating spaces. It differs from the classical Italian Renaissance garden for the presence of fruit or aromatic trees, deriving from the medieval and/or religious garden tradition, and of palms at the entrance that, even if used with a geometrical function, are influenced from the search for exotic environments, characterizing the 19th century Romantic culture.

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